Hi friends and stalkers.
Well, fall is here, and winter is coming. As usual, I’m feeling the urge to withdraw entirely from social media, the Knightmares blog/list, and life as it exists outside of my own head. Part of that urge to shrink away from interaction is the increased workload and hours of the day job. I drive a propane truck for a living, and when it gets cold, I get busy. It hasn’t been as bad this year as most, at least so far. The larger part is just plain old wintertime blues. I get them every year, and they make me antisocial as hell.
I can’t let that happen this winter, at least not to the extent that it usually does. I’m trying to treat my writing as a business now, and while I’m still not entirely sure what that means, I’m pretty sure it doesn’t mean ignoring my readers and subscribers until the sun comes back out next spring.
So, here’s what I’m gonna do to keep myself, and hopefully you, engaged.
First, I’m gonna take some of my digital chapbooks off the market and make them available only to members of the Knightmares list. Two of the members only chapbooks are part of a series of stories called The Berserkers, and I will release future installments only to the Knightmares list until the series is complete. Look for those free download links in an upcoming Knightmares.
Second, I’m going to try to start some conversations with you. I have a few topics in mind already, but you should feel free to recommend your own topics to me. Reply right here on this post or email me at thinkingbar@gmail.com. Seriously, conversations are so much more interesting than monologues. I want to make it worth your trouble to sign up or stay if you already are signed up.
Talk to you again soon.
Brian Knight